

























1) 江苏省产学研合作项目,工业机器人重要零部件先进制造技术研发BYBY20212212021-072022-07,在研,主持

2) 江苏省高校自然科学基金,基于仿生机理的海洋无人艇导航控制研究,18KJB413001已结题,主持




1) 吴鹏, 桑成军, 陆忠华, . 基于改进A*算法的移动机器人路径规划研究[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2019, 55(21): 226-232,269.

2) 吴鹏, 周倩如, 余双, . 基于组合策略的无人艇路径规划方法[J]. 437ccm·必赢国际学报(自然科学版), 2020, 3: 47-52.

3Wang S , Zhang H , Zhang Y , Zhou A, Wu P. A Spectral Clustering-Based Multi-Source Mating Selection Strategy in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization[J]. IEEE Access, 2019.

4) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Hengli Liu, Yan Peng, Xiaomao Li, Jun Luo and Qingmei Li. A novel method of Unmanned Surface Vehicle autonomous cruise [J], Industrial Robot, 2016, 43(1): 121-130.

5) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Hengli Liu. Autonomous USV Obstacle Avoidance Integrated Algorithm to Solve APF, Sensor Defects [J], Sea Technology, 2016, 57(5): 25-27.

6) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Hengli Liu, et al. Unmanned Surface Vehicle autonomous obstacle-avoidance based on a cooperative manoeuvre [J], Industrial Robot, 2017, 44(1): 64-74.

7) Hengli Liu, Jun Luo, Peng Wu, et al. People Detection and Tracking Using RGB-D Cameras for Mobile Robots [J], International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2016, 13(5): 1-11. 

8) Hengli Liu, Jun Luo, Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie; Hengyu Li. People Perception from RGB-D Cameras for Mobile Robots [C], 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. 

9) Hengli Liu, Jun Luo, Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Hengyu Li. Symmetric Kullback-Leibler Metric Based Tracking Behaviors for Bio-inspired Robotic Eyes [J], Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2015, 1-12.

10) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Jun Luo, Dong Qu and Qingmei Li. The USV Path Planning Based on the Combinatorial Algorithm c, Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, vol.38, no. 1, pp. 62-70, 2014.

11) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Jun Luo, Dong Qu, Qingmei Li and Jason Gu. A Novel Obstacle Avoidance Strategy of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Based on Virtual Simulation Platform [C], 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Yunnan, China, August 2015: 185-190.

12) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Hengli Liu, Jun Luo and Qingmei Li. A Novel Algorithm of Autonomous Obstacle-avoidance for Mobile Robot Based on LIDAR Data [C], 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Zhuhai, China, December 2015: 2377-2382. 

13) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Jun Luo and Qingmei Li. The analysis of the design of the system of pitch adjusting for Remote Operated Vehicle [J], Sensors & Transducers, vol.172-173, no. 6, 2014.

14) Shaorong Xie, Peng Wu, Jun Luo, Dong Qu, Qingmei Li and Jason Gu. The obstacle avoidance planning of USV based on improved artificial potential field [C], 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Hailar, China, July 2014:746-751.

15Li Q , Xie S , Peng Y , et al. Depth adjuster design and control for an underwater vehicle[C], 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA). IEEE, 2014.

16) Shaorong Xie, Qingmei Li, Peng Wu, et al. Hydrodynamic coefficients identification and experimental investigation for an underwater vehicle [J], Sensors & Transducers, 2014, 164(2): 288-294.

17) Li Q, Xie S , Luo J , et al. Pitch reduction system design and control for an underwater vehicle[C], 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics & Automation.

18) Wu P, Xie S, Luo J , et al. The Analysis of the Design of the System of Pitch Adjusting for Remote Operated Vehicle[J]. Sensors & Transducers, 2014, 172(6):213-216.

19) Shaorong Xie, Peng Wu, Yan Peng, et al. The obstacle avoidance planning of USV based on improved artificial potential field [C], 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation.

20) Peng Wu, Shaorong Xie, Jun Luo, et al. The USV Path Planning Based on the Combinatorial Algorithm [J]. Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia, 2014, 38(1): 62-70.

21) 吴鹏, 韦忠良, 吕苗荣, . 射流式液动冲击器优化设计研究[J]. 石油机械, 2014, 42(007):24-27.

22) 吴鹏, 韦忠良, 张斌, . 一种新型射流式液动锤的应用[J]. 437ccm·必赢国际学报(自然科学版), 2012, 24(3):30-34.

23) 韦忠良, 吴鹏. 高硬度高研磨地层高速钻探用PDC钻头研究[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2012, 32(5):62-66.

24) 韦忠良, 曾义根, 吴鹏, . 适合大港滨海区块硬地层的PDC钻头优化设计[J]. 石油机械, 2012, 40(10):46-48.








1) 437ccm·必赢国际校级教育教学研究课题JXJY2018003,智能制造专业人才培养创新模式探索研究已结题主持